
Our military academies seem like propaganda tools to me!

(appears @ #8 on the "college city gets low grades" list, #5 on the "stone-cold sober schools" list, #5 on the "least happy students" list, #15 on the "is it food?" list, #13 on the "is that a dorm?" list, #17 on the "got milk?" list, #8 on the "scotch & soda, hold the scotch" list, & finally, #1 on the "don't inhale" list)

(DISCLAIMER: In my previous post, I told you I would mostly stick to showing my support for my state's educational institutions, but considering that there's somebody in my own family who apparently believes that this is my only possible future, I might as well unload some of my frustration(s) on these places just to prove my point!) The other day, I came to you people with another report of a crime on my current campus, then after I stopped complaining about the latest crime, I told you that I would be doing this, so here goes! Most of you people who live outside of this state most likely notice all the community colleges/state schools/universities that only reached that level within the past 2 decades or so/division 3-level athletics/etc. & think that those places seem rather focused on "tricking" their people into needlessly & unnecessarily supporting them, but if I may say so myself, I think our nation's military academies do even more brainwashing/influencing/indoctrinating/etc. than all the schools here in N.J. combined! Case in point: The states aren't even willing to provide their own financial aid for students who either graduate H.S. in that state & decide to remain there instead of starting college in another state or those who decide to start college in another state, even considering all the costs of moving to another state, yet our bloated federal government decides to pay 100% of the costs for students willing to accept a future, or lack thereof, upon their college graduation by attending 1 of our nation's many "prestigious" military academies! According to The Princeton Review, all of the military academies appear @ least once on almost all of what I like to call their "negativity lists", where some of the more negative aspects of college life are listed, & as with their positive rankings, the top 20 schools in each category are ranked!
(appears @ #9 on the "stone-cold sober schools" list, #4 on the "least happy students" list, #16 on the "is that a dorm?" list, & finally, #6 on the "don't inhale" list)

(doesn't appear on any of the lists, but so what? It's still a military school, after all!)

(appears @ #5 on the "this is a library?" list, #4 on the "college city gets low grades" list, #8 on the "stone-cold sober schools" list, #1 on the "is that a dorm?" list, #20 on the "got milk?" list, & finally, #2 on the "don't inhale" list)

(appears @ #1 on the "professors get low grades" list, #2 on the "least accessible professors" list, #3 on the "this is a library?" list, #3 on the "administrators get low grades" list, #6 on the "town-gown relations are strained" list, #2 on the "least happy students" list, #1 on the "is it food?" list, #3 on the "is that a dorm?" list, #8 on the "least beautiful campus" list, & finally, #8 on the "don't inhale" list)

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