
moment of contemplation #1

Normally, around this time on a Wednesday, I would be taking a class @ my current campus, but since this is 1 of those nights on which class has been canceled due to various computer glitches on campus, I might as well occupy the next 20+ minutes with something "blogworthy"! It might not seem like it right now given my general overall lack of ambition to do much of anything in recent weeks & months (in other words, this past summer), but my 2nd interest (incidentally, behind anything business-related) has been the "inner workings" of the brain/mind/soul/etc., so I guess you would be correct in assuming that my top 2 favorite subjects are 1) business/economics/finance/etc. & 2) psychology/psychiatry/etc.; although for the most part, I've focused more & more on the business side of those areas moreso throughout my educational years, having taken 1 business-related class per year throughout high school, while constantly hearing about, yet never actually taking, any of the psychology classes they offered there! Now, I know that now that I mentioned that, some of you people might start questioning my actual career goals, but having noticed more people breaking into the workforce as certified public accountants/financial regulators/tax attorneys/human/public relations people than psychologists or psychiatrists, but considering all the people I know who've always considered that stuff their top interest instead of 2nd or 3rd interest, I think I'll most likely stick to my original plans to major in business & possibly double major or minor (most likely minor) in 1 of those fields to perhaps pull "double duty" as 1 of the few psychologists/psychiatrists employed by a financial firm instead of a clinic or hospital! That being said, I think being surrounded by a bunch of current & quite a few future psychologists/psychiatrists throughout my K-12 years might end up influencing me sometime during my remaining 3 1/2 years of college! Even though I've yet to actually take a class in anything psych-related so far, doesn't mean I wouldn't be able to succeed in that capacity in the workforce even with minimal classroom/lecture hall exposure to those topics - After all, I'm sure that many of you have heard about all the former & current sports stars who either didn't start playing their sport 'til H.S. or college or who played 2 sports @ once throughout their H.S. & college years only to eventually stick with the sport that would make them world-famous & current or future hall of famers in their particular league or sport! I'm sure that if all those people were able to "break in" to their future careers later on in their lives than most other people who chose that career practically from birth, then I'm sure I would be able to start officially start learning even more about those topics sometime in the near future & still be able to succeed in the workforce despite such a late start!

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