Normalmente, nosotros esperemos que ciertas personas con ciertas nombres/"características de cuerpo"/descendencias/etc. saben una idioma o regresan a su país natal algunas veces... La siguiente lista, al contrario de nuestras expectaciones, derrota todas suposiciones que debemos de tener sobre nuestros seres humanos! Por los que han seguido este blog desde algunas meses, yo he comentado ocasionalmente sobre cierta celebridad (quien figura como el nº4 en la siguiente lista), y sus tendencias de ser un poco mas "reservada" (por falta de una palabra mejor) de sus compañer@s de Hollywood! Esto no quiere decir que estoy criticando su personalidad, sino que quiero expresar mis curiosidades sobre su fluencia en este lenguaje...
This was part of an e-mail I sent 1 of my economics professors about 2 months ago:
"It's a mere fiction that no point of union exists between everybody, and that everybody lives in solitude and incomprehension. To the contrary; what people have in common with others is something much bigger and more important than what every human being has by nature and what distinguishes them from everybody else." - German author/writer Hermann Hesse
...well... (unfortunately, this doesn't translate as fittingly in English as it does in Spanish!) if that's not evidence that somebody with a name that is an incredibly common everyday word in Spanish doesn't (at least publicly) demonstrate fluency in the language, yet does demonstrate fluency "on stage", what, then, can we make of her "formative years" in south Florida? Is it that the area between Miami and the "Panhandle", near the state's capital, Tallahassee, doesn't have the linguistic diversity we always thought it had? Could it be that other metro areas, such as my metro area, N.Y.C., have more linguistic diversity than Florida? Or is it simply that there are so many Cuban & Venezuelan refugees there to gauge all the other nationalities that have settled in that area?
For what it's worth, I've visited the (French) Canadian City of Montréal almost a dozen times within the past few years, & I've learned the French language to a level that's not exactly "fluent", but it's definitely "passable"... I think that those who have been "born & raised" in whichever part of the whole world, such as the Swiss, the Japanese, & the Koreans, just to name a few, can carry on a conversation in their native language better than somebody who's simply visited that country a bunch of times!
We only have the Sopranos around here, but some people here in "the Garden State" tend to act like "mafiosos" every so often... That's not to say that we just "fugheddabout" (did any of you catch that reference?) our heritages simply to adapt to the social environments around us! We must quit our constant ******** about personalities A.S.A.P., &, to the contrary, we might as well focus on everything else going on in our world, 'cause there's still work that needs finishing in our civil society before we'll be able to "distract" ourselves with events of decidedly less urgency than the rest!
Normalmente, nosotros esperemos que ciertas personas con ciertas nombres/"características de cuerpo"/descendencias/etc. saben una idioma o regresan a su país natal algunas veces... La siguiente lista, al contrario de nuestras expectaciones, derrota todas suposiciones que debemos de tener sobre nuestros seres humanos! Por los que han seguido este blog desde algunas meses, yo he comentado ocasionalmente sobre cierta celebridad (quien figura como el nº4 en la siguiente lista), y sus tendencias de ser un poco mas "reservada" (por falta de una palabra mejor) de sus compañer@s de Hollywood! Esto no quiere decir que estoy criticando su personalidad, sino que quiero expresar mis curiosidades sobre su fluencia en este lenguaje...
Esto fue parte de un "correo electrónico" que yo mande a una de mis profesores de economía hace dos meses:
una mera ficción eso de que no existe un puente de unión entre una y
otra gente, y que todos viven en la soledad y la incomprensión. Por lo
contrario, lo que la gente tiene en común con los demás es algo más
grande e importante de lo que cada ser humano tiene por naturaleza y lo
que lo distingue de los demás.” - autor/escritor aleman Hermann Hesse
...bueno... si eso no es evidencia que alguien con un apellido que figura como una palabra muy común en el Español (públicamente) no demuestra fluencia en el lenguaje, pero si demuestra fluencia "sobre el escenario", que podemos decir de su descendencia en el sur de la Florida? Es que la area desde Miami hasta la "Planicie" en su norte, cerca de su capital, Tallahassee, no tiene la diversidad lingüística que nosotros constantemente pensábamos que tenia? Sera que otros partes de nuestro país, como mi area metropolitana, el de N.Y.C., tienen mas diversidad lingüística que la Florida? O es que simplemente hay much@s refugiad@s Cuban@s y Venezolan@s en ese ciudad para medir todas las otras nacionalidades que han asentado sobre esa area?
Por lo que vale, yo he visitado la ciudad canadiense de Montréal casi una docena de veces durante unos cuantos años, y he aprendido Frances a una nivel no "fluente", pero definitivamente "pasable"... Creo que los que han sido "nacid@s y criad@s" en cualquier parte del mundo entero, como los suizos, los japoneses, y los coreanos, para nombrar unos pocos, pueden llevar una conversación en su lenguaje natal mejor que personas que simplemente han visitado su país unas cuantas veces!
Nosotros simplemente tenemos los Sopranos por esta zona, pero algunas personas aquí en "el estado jardín" tienen la tendencia de actuar como "mafiosos" en algunas veces... Eso no quiere decir que nosotros olvidamos de nuestras herencias y nuestras patrias simplemente para adaptarse a nuestros ambientes sociales! Tenemos que dejar de nuestros cojudeses con personalidades y, al contrario, seria bueno si enfocaremos en todo lo demás que pasa en nuestro mundo, por que todavía hay trabajo en que nuestra sociedad civil debe seguir antes de que podemos "distraer" en cosas de menos urgencia!
Normally, we expect certain people with certain names/"body features"/heritages/etc. know a certain language, or revisit their native countr(y/ies) every so often... The above list, contrary to our expectations, eliminates all suspicions that we should have about our fellow human beings! Those of you who have followed this blog in recent months probably know that I've commented on a certain celebrity (who checks in at #4 on the above list), & her tendencies to be somewhat more "reserved" (for lack of a better word) than the rest of her Hollywood peers! That's not to say that I'm being critical of her personality, per se... In fact, I actually want to express some of my curiosities over her Spanish language fluency!
This was part of an e-mail I sent 1 of my economics professors about 2 months ago:
"It's a mere fiction that no point of union exists between everybody, and that everybody lives in solitude and incomprehension. To the contrary; what people have in common with others is something much bigger and more important than what every human being has by nature and what distinguishes them from everybody else." - German author/writer Hermann Hesse
...well... (unfortunately, this doesn't translate as fittingly in English as it does in Spanish!) if that's not evidence that somebody with a name that is an incredibly common everyday word in Spanish doesn't (at least publicly) demonstrate fluency in the language, yet does demonstrate fluency "on stage", what, then, can we make of her "formative years" in south Florida? Is it that the area between Miami and the "Panhandle", near the state's capital, Tallahassee, doesn't have the linguistic diversity we always thought it had? Could it be that other metro areas, such as my metro area, N.Y.C., have more linguistic diversity than Florida? Or is it simply that there are so many Cuban & Venezuelan refugees there to gauge all the other nationalities that have settled in that area?
For what it's worth, I've visited the (French) Canadian City of Montréal almost a dozen times within the past few years, & I've learned the French language to a level that's not exactly "fluent", but it's definitely "passable"... I think that those who have been "born & raised" in whichever part of the whole world, such as the Swiss, the Japanese, & the Koreans, just to name a few, can carry on a conversation in their native language better than somebody who's simply visited that country a bunch of times!
We only have the Sopranos around here, but some people here in "the Garden State" tend to act like "mafiosos" every so often... That's not to say that we just "fugheddabout" (did any of you catch that reference?) our heritages simply to adapt to the social environments around us! We must quit our constant ******** about personalities A.S.A.P., &, to the contrary, we might as well focus on everything else going on in our world, 'cause there's still work that needs finishing in our civil society before we'll be able to "distract" ourselves with events of decidedly less urgency than the rest!
P.S.: here's a "new project" HINT, for those of you who've forgotten:
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