UPDATE: I feel this is relevant, especially after last night, but this is even more relevant:
(LINK 1: http://www.buzzfeed.com/hnew92/16-reasons-to-leave-ariana-grandes-hair-alone-9qja)
As soon as I noticed this link, I figured 2 things: 1: Buzzfeed must be onto me… 2: Even if they weren't, I figured something would look familiar in the article… Sure enough, when I noticed they had ripped the FB status pictured below, I figured those 2 things once again, this time for real! Getting past the potential ripoff nature of that article, I'm sticking by my original points made a few days ago, & referring you people to them for my take on this "controversy"… (SEE BELOW)
That being said, however, considering our ages (18 1/2 & almost 21, respectively), there is something from 1800s poet Walt Whitman's poem, Song of Myself, that I believe is especially quite relevant here, in the midst of this manufactured "controversy"!
66Trippers and askers surround me,
This time, it's not a celeb divorcing her then-current partner to "get together with" one of her mentors when she first moved here from Canada in the early 2000s (http://anytandeverything.blogspot.com/2013/11/a-certain-former-teen-celeb-was-back-in.html)… This time, it's another, more recent teen celeb who seems to think she looks like some sort of "drag queen", when I, for 1, think she looks like anything but a "drag queen", and she has one of the most noticeable voices in music right now! This time, the celeb I'm referring is (A) one I've already (somewhat) profiled before after a previous television appearance (http://anytandeverything.blogspot.com/2014/01/just-some-belated-beginning-of-2014.html), and (B) recently won the first of what I believe will be the first of many (music) awards in her future at the 2014 People's Choice Awards! This time, the celeb I'm referring to is the 20-year-old actress-turned-singer-turned-both actress and singer (if that's even remotely possible for anybody to pull off nowadays) Ariana Grande! Like most (current) celebs, she's shown up to some live awards shows and performances recently with questionable attire (but, then again, who in Hollywood hasn't done so over the decades?), but, unlike those other celebs who've openly shown off some "cleavage" on live TV (any live MTV show from the past decade or so comes to mind immediately for me…), she's at least covered up her more questionable body parts to allow us to listen to her wonderful voice instead of getting "distracted", or even worse! Her recent comments complaining (to some extent) about "fake hair" and "drag queens", however, are a whole other story entirely… One of those stories where the celeb in ? doesn't seem to value their looks/personality/etc. enough to keep such self-deprecating comments out of the always-gossiping media! Her comments, which she revealed to the Huffington Post (which, stupidly enough, calls itself "el HuffPost" en espaƱol, which just sounds so incorrect to me!), come after the season premiere of one of her many recent Nickelodeon (which, as I told you people shortly after the New Year, waited slightly too long, in my opinion, to premiere all of those shows and give her and her fellow cast members their starts) shows, and are, at least in part, as follows:
It's not just "drag queens" who I think Ariana is unfairly comparing herself to, but, also, fictional creatures from fictional universes that have been thought up by some people who seem to have had too much time on their hands in some recent years to think of some unattainable reality! Among some of those fictional creatures:
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an actual "drag queen", if I ever saw 1! |
(LINK 1: http://www.buzzfeed.com/hnew92/16-reasons-to-leave-ariana-grandes-hair-alone-9qja)
As soon as I noticed this link, I figured 2 things: 1: Buzzfeed must be onto me… 2: Even if they weren't, I figured something would look familiar in the article… Sure enough, when I noticed they had ripped the FB status pictured below, I figured those 2 things once again, this time for real! Getting past the potential ripoff nature of that article, I'm sticking by my original points made a few days ago, & referring you people to them for my take on this "controversy"… (SEE BELOW)
That being said, however, considering our ages (18 1/2 & almost 21, respectively), there is something from 1800s poet Walt Whitman's poem, Song of Myself, that I believe is especially quite relevant here, in the midst of this manufactured "controversy"!
66Trippers and askers surround me,
67People I meet, the effect upon me of my early life or the ward and city I live in, or the nation,
68The latest dates, discoveries, inventions, societies, authors old and new,
69My dinner, dress, associates, looks, compliments, dues,
70The real or fancied indifference of some man or woman I love,
71The sickness of one of my folks or of myself, or ill-doing or loss or lack of money, or depressions or exaltations,
72Battles, the horrors of fratricidal war, the fever of doubtful news, the fitful events;
73These come to me days and nights and go from me again,
74But they are not the Me myself.
(LINK 2: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/01/19/ariana-grande-wig_n_4627171.html?ref=topbar)This time, it's not a celeb divorcing her then-current partner to "get together with" one of her mentors when she first moved here from Canada in the early 2000s (http://anytandeverything.blogspot.com/2013/11/a-certain-former-teen-celeb-was-back-in.html)… This time, it's another, more recent teen celeb who seems to think she looks like some sort of "drag queen", when I, for 1, think she looks like anything but a "drag queen", and she has one of the most noticeable voices in music right now! This time, the celeb I'm referring is (A) one I've already (somewhat) profiled before after a previous television appearance (http://anytandeverything.blogspot.com/2014/01/just-some-belated-beginning-of-2014.html), and (B) recently won the first of what I believe will be the first of many (music) awards in her future at the 2014 People's Choice Awards! This time, the celeb I'm referring to is the 20-year-old actress-turned-singer-turned-both actress and singer (if that's even remotely possible for anybody to pull off nowadays) Ariana Grande! Like most (current) celebs, she's shown up to some live awards shows and performances recently with questionable attire (but, then again, who in Hollywood hasn't done so over the decades?), but, unlike those other celebs who've openly shown off some "cleavage" on live TV (any live MTV show from the past decade or so comes to mind immediately for me…), she's at least covered up her more questionable body parts to allow us to listen to her wonderful voice instead of getting "distracted", or even worse! Her recent comments complaining (to some extent) about "fake hair" and "drag queens", however, are a whole other story entirely… One of those stories where the celeb in ? doesn't seem to value their looks/personality/etc. enough to keep such self-deprecating comments out of the always-gossiping media! Her comments, which she revealed to the Huffington Post (which, stupidly enough, calls itself "el HuffPost" en espaƱol, which just sounds so incorrect to me!), come after the season premiere of one of her many recent Nickelodeon (which, as I told you people shortly after the New Year, waited slightly too long, in my opinion, to premiere all of those shows and give her and her fellow cast members their starts) shows, and are, at least in part, as follows:
Since I figure some of you people out there are still stuck in the 1990s when it comes to being able to display images, here's a transcript of her comments (with emphasis, plus some of my own comments, in italics): "Since people give me such a hard time about my hair, I thought I'd take the time to explain the situation to everybody. I had to bleach my hair and dye it red every other week for the first 4 years of playing Cat (her most recent Nickelodeon character)… as one would assume, that completely destroyed my hair. I now wear a wig on Sam & Cat (the aforementioned Nickelodeon show). My real hair is back to brown, and I wear extensions, but I wear it in a pony tail because my actual hair is so broken that it looks absolutely ratchet (for the record, I still associate that word with toolsets, but to each their own…) and absurd when I let it down. I tried wigs (suddenly backtracks her previous statement); they looked RIDICULOUS. Tried a weave because I am working on a new project (yet another one?), and want to rip my scalp off. So, as annoying as it is for y'all (in case you haven't already heard, she's from the Sunshine State, Florida, although having been to Canada quite a few times myself throughout my life, I've gotten just as used to "Canadian English" as somebody who's lived up there for a bunch of decades now!) to have to look at the same hair style all the time, it's all that works for now (AND I'm comfortable for the first time in years)… and trust me, it's even more difficult for me to have to wait forever for my natural hair to grow back (which, as those of you who've used BOSLEY or any other hair regrowth products likely know, takes forever!) and to have to wear (this is the comment that the HuffPost seized upon for its story) more fake hair than every drag queen on Earth combined. So, PLEASE gimme a break about the hair (who ever said we were bothered by your locks?) (or just don't look at me… lol). IT'S JUST HAIR, AFTER ALL (amen to that, and I'm not even super-religious!). There are way, way, way more important things (like the fact that conspiracy theorists seem to be twisting everything into some stupid theory, but I guess that's just one of my top "pet peeves"!). Love y'all (again, she's from the Sunshine State) very much."
(EDIT #1: I've found images of a few actual drag queens for your viewing "pleasure"!)
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(some Brazilian drag queens) |
There's all the proof I believe you people need that there are actual drag queens who look and sound less pleasing, and fictional creatures that look even uglier, than the promising actress-turned-singer-turned both at once profiled in this blog post!
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